Windows 10
- Go to the bottom-left corner and right-click on the Windows "Start" button > select "System" > "System Type".
Windows 7
- Right-click "My Computer", and select "Properties" to open properties dialog box.
- You can find the information in "System" under "General" tab; whereas in 64-bit system, it is specified in system information; in 32-bit, it is not displayed.
Note: if you've bought a box version of Gaaiho PDF Suite 3, you might notice there are two installers on the disc, one X64 and the other X86. Please install X86 on 32-bit OS, and X64 on 32-bit OS. If the version you bought is 4.0 or later, it includes only one installer, which automatically installs X86 on 32-bit OS, and X64 on 32-bit OS.
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