Right PDF/ Gaaiho PDF Server supports two types of deployment: Client-Server Mode and Watch Folder Mode. You may choose one form or choose both.
Client-Server method:
First, choose a computer in the LAN as the server and install the "Server" program on it, while "Client" program on the users' computers. The user can access the server to convert files by auto-search or manually entering the server's IP address. On the computer, the user can set up PDF conversion compatibility, font embedding, compression, security, watermark , etc, or set up on the Server side to unify all client settings.
Watch Folder Mode:
Select a computer in the LAN as the server and install the "Watch Folder" program on it. When installation is completed, select the four folders that come with the Server (which are, separately, "Source," "Result," "Success," "Error," and set up PDF conversion compatibility, font embedding, compression, security, watermark, etc. for each. The user must connect the "Source" folder remotely via LAN and then put files into it for conversion. Right PDF/ Gaaiho PDF Server's Watch Folder program will automatically convert files in "Source" folder to PDF according to the conversion setting. If successful, converted files are saved in "Result" folder and original files in "Success" folder; If failed, original files are redirected to "Error" folder.
The user will able to understand the part which is going to be the most of the perfection where it will place it that will deploy the pdf server epson error code 0x69 to remote the success for embedding the part.
It appears an absurd situation, to this Epson error code 0xf1 user, that a modern day printing device may be made useless by simply an effort to make a wireless connection.
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