Important Note: Starting from version 6, "Right PDF" becomes the official name in place of "Gaaiho". |
Missing Right PDF/ Gaaiho toolbar/add-in in Microsoft Office.
There are three possible causes and the solutions are listed below.
Cause A: Right PDF/ Gaaiho Word tool bar is hidden
If the Right PDF/ Gaaiho menu is available in Word 2003, please right click on the toolbar and select "Right PDF Word"/ "Gaaiho PDF Word".
Cause B: Add-ins are closed or disabled
- For Microsoft Word 2010 & 2013
1. Go to "File > Options > Add-Ins".
2. Choose "COM Add-ins" at the bottom and click "Go".
3. Finally, check "Right PDF Addin" and "Right PDF Export PDF Addin" or "Gaaiho Office Addin" and "Gaaiho Export PDF Addin".
- If above options are not found in "COM Add-ins" or for Microsoft Word 2003:
1. Run Word 2003 and select "Help > About Microsoft Office Word".
2. Click "Disabled items . . ." button. If Right PDF/ Gaaiho PDF Word or Right PDF/ Gaaiho Export PDF Addin is listed, please select it and click "enable" button to display Right PDF/ Gaaiho menu items and tool bar icons.
3. Alternatively, click "tool > Marco > Security" and select "High" or "Medium" in "Security Level" tab.
4. Select "Trust all installed add-ins and templates" in "Trusted Publishers" tab.
Cause C: After installation, the related PDF Word add-ins are not successfully registered
Solution 1 (recommended):
1. Go to "Programs and Features".
2. Select "Right PDF Pro"/ "Gaaiho PDF Suite" and click "Repair".
Solution 2:
1. Click "Start" and search for "Command Prompt" (In Windows 7, go to "Accessories").
2. Right click on "Command Prompt"(cmd.exe) and select "Run as administrator".
3. Depending on the system types of Windows and Office, enter the corresponding command into "Command Prompt".
- For Windows 64 bit + Office 32bit
Enter regsvr32 "C:\Program Files (x86)\Zeon\Right PDF(Gaaiho)\Right PDF Pro(Gaaiho PDF Suite)\PDF Driver\OfficeAddIn\ ZPDFOfficeAddin_x86.dll"
- For Windows 64 bit + Office 64bit
Enter regsvr32 "C:\Program Files (x86)\Zeon\Right PDF(Gaaiho)\Right PDF Pro(Gaaiho PDF Suite)\PDF Driver\OfficeAddIn\ ZPDFOfficeAddin_x64.dll"
- For Windows 32 bit + Office 32bit
Enter regsvr32 "C:\Program Files\Zeon\Right PDF(Gaaiho)\Right PDF Pro(Gaaiho PDF Suite)\PDF Driver\OfficeAddIn\ ZPDFOfficeAddin_x86.dll"
Note: Please select the hard drive on which the product is installed
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