Download, Installation, and Upgrade
- Where to download previous/older versions?
- Failed to update/ upgrade to the latest version with Right PDF/ Gaaiho PDF Updater.
- The installer has insufficient privileges to access this directory
- "Error 30005. This installation packlage is not supported by this processor. Contact your product vendor"
- Error (1609) while applying security settings - Users is not valid group? (Gaaiho PDF 3)
- Why does error message "126" show during Right PDF/ Gaaiho PDF Converter installation?
Activation and Deactivation
- I cannot deactivate my product anymore, help!
- I've reached the activation limit, what should I do?
- Why am I getting error "0x20020101"?
- Why do I receive Error Code 115 during license activation?
- When I activate online, a message says "Cannot connect to activation server"?
- Why do I receive error code -10151/-10152 when I try to activate my license?
Issues and Errors
- Right PDF Editor/ Gaaiho Doc could not perform OCR on this page because it contains renderable text
- Why do I get "Exceed the maximum numbers of files and pages/Limit is exceeded" notification?
- Why can't I activate after system restore?
- I have a valid license, but received the following error when trying to activate it. "You are attempting to exceed the number of clients permitted to use your license. You should purchase an additional license or release a license..."
- Why do I run into "Valid License not found"?
- Unable to show the contents of packaged PDF files, and a Flash warning appears.
Other FAQ
- How do I find my serial number?
- What version of Gaaiho PDF am I currently using?
- I can't find my license e-mail, what should I do?
- シヤチハタ社製パソコン決済電子印鑑のご使用について
- How do I retrieve my Right PDF/ Gaaiho password?
- How are Conversion Caps/Limits Calculated?