You are 100% percent sure you have activated the product and it has been working properly. All of a sudden, the license status becomes trial and you are no longer able to access the full-feature product. Worse, an error message “0x20020221” shows up when you attempted to activate the product again.
For Right PDF/ Gaaiho PDF products, there are two possible causes:
- You are using Converter/ Driver’s serial number to activate Pro/ Suite, or vice versa
- You have installed Converter/ Driver and Pro/ Suite in turns which leads to incorrect data placement in the license file
For cause no. 1, install the correct version and activate.
For no. 2, see the following.
- Uninstall all Right PDF/ Gaaiho PDF products in your computer
- Delete the folders in the following paths
(Windows 7): “[systemdrive]:\ProgramData\Zeon\RightPDF(Gaaiho)\ZNSL” and “[systemdrive]:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\ZEON”
(Windows 10): "[systemdrive]:\ProgramData\Zeon\RightPDF(Gaaiho)\ZNSL" and "[systemdrive]:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\ZEON" and "[systemdrive]:\Users\[Username]\AppData\Roaming\Zeon\RightPDF(Gaaiho)\ZNSL" - Reboot the computer
- Re-install the Right PDF/ Gaaiho PDF product
- Activate the product using the same serial number (read this article if you've reached the activation limit)
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