Trial watermark or conversion issues when converting PDF files.
Watermark or conversion issues caused by installing different Right PDF/ Gaaiho products successively.
Here are two methods to solve this problem:
1.Reboot your computer
If rebooting your computer doesn’t work, here is another method:
2.Here are two things you should do:
Replace gznprnui.dll under the folder “spool” with gznprnui.dll you found under the folder “PDF Driver”. Do the same to gznprngraf.dll.
“Net stop spooler” before replacing, and “net start spooler” after replacing.
So, here are the steps in detail:
Start > “Search programs and files” > enter “run” > enter “net stop spooler”, press Enter.
Search for gznprnui.dll, and you will see two dlls with same file name under two different folders, respectively “spool” and “PDF Driver”. Replace the one under “spool” with the one under “PDF Driver”. Do the same to gznprngraf.dll.
[spool folder could have a similar path like the following: %systemroot%\WINDOWS\system32\spool\drivers\x64\3(64 bits) or
%systemroot%\WINDOWS\system32\spool\drivers\w32x86\3(32 bits) ]
Start > “Search programs and files” > enter “run” > enter “net start spooler”, press Enter.
Feel free to contact if you have any questions!
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